Hi, my name is
David Bazashvili.
I build things for the web.
I'm a software engineer specialising in Front End development with extensive knowledge of the Back End. Currently, I'm focused on building accessible, human-centered products at Together Creative.
About Me
Hello! My name is David Bazashvili and I'm all about crafting unique web products that leave a lasting impression. My interest in computers began at a tender age of 12, and I was instantly hooked. The sheer power of this tool to create, learn, entertain and connect with others was too good to resist.
Despite spending countless hours on my computer, I never imagined that I would become a programmer. It wasn't until a couple of years ago when I decided to take the plunge and learn HTML and CSS that my interest in programming truly began to blossom.
Fast forward to 2023, and I've come a long way since those early days. I now have experience building full-stack applications using cutting-edge technologies like React, Node.js, and APIs. Along the way, I've had the opportunity to work for a prestigious jewellery brand based in Hatton Garden.
But my journey doesn't end here. My passion for learning and keeping up with the latest technologies drives me to continue to improve my skills. After all, the world of programming is constantly evolving, and I'm excited to see where this journey takes me next.
Here are some of the technologies I use:
1 year
JavaScript - a programming language
2 years
HTML - a mark up language
2 years
CSS - a stylesheet language
1 year
React - a JavaScript library for building Front-End
1 year
Next.js - a React framework for building Front-End and Back-End
<1 year
Node.js - a Back-End JavaScript runtime
<1 year
TypeScript - a programming language
<1 year
Golang - a programming language
1 year
Tailwind - a CSS framework
2 years
Git - a version control system
1 year
API's - a way for programs to communicate with each other
1 year
Database - a collection of data stored and accessed electronically
Some Things I've Built
API & Database
In this section there is a simple demonstration of some of the API & Database functionalities. Let's begin with API.
When using internet, we may not notice it but computer programs talk to each other for the sake of giving or receiving information.
Let's see it on practice. Say, we want to open e-commerce store, but our goods isn't ready for production. In this case we can use a fake-store API to fill in the UI.
async function getData() {
const res = await fetch('https://fakestoreapi.com/products/1')
const data = await res.json()
const trim = {
category: data.category,
descr: data.description,
img: data.image,
price: data.price,
title: data.title
Fetch Data
Great, now that we know how to use the API, let's take a look at database!
Finally, our goods are ready for production and we want to use them on the website. The question is, how where do we deploy this information and how do we access will user get access to it on the website?
The answer would be is to use a database. We can structurise the nessesary data and deploy it to one of the multiple resources out there. For this example i'll go with PocketBase.
Lets create a product in the database. For cpnviniece I'll use same data we receive from the API
async function createItem() {
const pb = new PocketBase('')
const create = await pb.collection('products').create(item)
return create
Create Product
Here's what we sent to the Database. Now we can retrieve data from data base and put it in our UI
async function getItem() {
const get = await pb.collection('products').getOne('6j1zez1meaumlrh')
return get
Fetch Product
Great! There is much more to tell about API's & Databases, contact me if you want know more!
What's Next?
Get In Touch
Although I'm not currently looking for any new opportunities, my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I'll try my best to get back to you!
Email Me